Angular Cheat Sheet
Command line inferface for Angular - set of commands that will help us during development.
1. Setup
npm install -g @angular/cli
Install Angular CLI globally
2. New application
ng new best-practises --dry-run
just simulate ng new
ng new best-practises --skip-install
skip install means don't run npm install
ng new best-practises --prefix best
set prefix to best
ng new --help
check available command list
3. Lint - check and make sure that our code if free of code smells/ bad formatting
ng lint my-app --help
check available command list
ng lint my-app --format stylish
format code
ng lint my-app --fix
fix code smells
ng lint my-app
show warnings
4. Blueprints
ng g c my-component --flat true
don't create new folder for this component
--inline-template (-t)
will the template be in .ts file?
--inline-style (-s)
will the style be in .ts file?
generate spec?
assign own prefix
ng g d directive-name
create directive
ng g s service-name
create service
ng g cl models/customer
create customer class in models folder
ng g i models/person
create create interface in models folder
ng g e models/gender
create create ENUM gender in models folder
ng g p init-caps
create create pipe
5. Building&Serving
ng build
build app to /dist folder
ng build --aot
build app without code that we don't need (optimatization)
ng build --prod
build for production
ng serve -o
serve with opening a browser
ng serve --live-reload
reload when changes occur
ng serve -ssl
serving using SSL
6. Add new capabilities
ng add @angular/material
add angular material to project
ng g @angular/material:material-nav --name nav
create material navigation component
Components and Templates
Components are the most basic UI building block of an Angular app. An Angular app contains a tree of Angular components.
Sample component ts file
Component attributes
The change-detection strategy to use for this component.
Defines the set of injectable objects that are visible to its view DOM children
The module ID of the module that contains the component
An encapsulation policy for the template and CSS styles
Overrides the default encapsulation start and end delimiters ({{ and }}
A set of components that should be compiled along with this component.
True to preserve or false to remove potentially superfluous whitespace characters from the compiled template.
Component life cycles
Life cycle
Called once, after the first ngOnChanges()
Called before ngOnInit() and whenever one of input properties change.
Called just before Angular destroys the directive/component
Called during every change detection run
Called after the ngAfterContentInit() and every subsequent ngDoCheck()
Called after the ngAfterViewInit() and every subsequent ngAfterContentChecked().
Called once after the first ngDoCheck().
Called once after the first ngAfterContentChecked().
Template syntax
Interpolation - just generate user name here
<img [src] = "user.imageUrl">
property binding - bind image url for user to src attribute
<button (click)="do()" ... />
Event - assign function to click event
<button *ngIf="user.showSth" ... />
Show button when user.showSth is true
*ngFor="let item of items"
Iterate through items list
<div [ngClass]="{green: isTrue(), bold: itTrue()}"/>
Angular ngClass attribute
<div [ngStyle]="{'color': isTrue() ? '#bbb' : '#ccc'}"/>
Angular ngStyle attribute
Input and Output
Input() To pass value into child component
Sample child component implementation
Sample parent component usage
Output() Emiting event to parent component
Sample child component
Sample parent component
onRemoved in child component is calling someFunction in parent component
Content projection
Content projection is injection inner html into child component
Parent component template
Child component template
(some html here) will be injection into
Two differents htmls
ViewChild decorator
In order to have access to child component/directive/element
Sample for element: html:
Instead of ElementRef can be used specific element like FormControl for forms.
Reference to element in html:
The Angular Router enables navigation from one view to the next as users perform application tasks.
Sample routing ts file
Then this should be added inside Angular.module imports
You can also turn on console tracking for your routing by adding enableTracing
routerLinkActive="active" will add active class to element when the link's route becomes active
CanActivate and CanDeactivate
Interface that a class can implement to be a guard deciding if a route can be activated. If all guards return true, navigation will continue.
and assing it in routing module:
Angular apps are modular and Angular has its own modularity system called NgModules. NgModules are containers for a cohesive block of code dedicated to an application domain, a workflow, or a closely related set of capabilities.
Sample module with comments
Components shouldn't fetch or save data directly and they certainly shouldn't knowingly present fake data. They should focus on presenting data and delegate data access to a service.
Sample service with one function
Usage It should be injected before usage
and add in module:
To handle and consume http requests
Add import to module
Dependency Injection
Inject class into another class
It accepts 'root' as a value or any module of your application
Declare global values
usage (for example in component)
Transform data/value to specific format, for example:
Show date in shortDate format:
Pipe implementation
An Attribute directive changes the appearance or behavior of a DOM element. For example [ngStyle] is a directive
Custom directive
Animations - moving from style state to another style state. Before add BrowserModule and BrowserAnimationsModule to module
Angular Forms
Template driven forms
Form logic (validation, properties) are kept in template
sample html
sample component
Reactive forms
Form logic (validation, properties) are kept in component
sample html
sample component
Custom Validator for Reactive forms
Multi-field validation
Multi-field validation usage*
Error handling
Custom Validator Directive for Template driven forms
To register our custom validation directive to NG_VALIDATORS service we have to do it like this: (thanks to multi parameter we won't override NG_VALIDATORS but just add CustomValidator to NG_VALIDATORS)
For multiple fields:
ngModel in custom component
Add to module:
Implement ControlValueAccessor interface
Register a function to tell Angular when the value of the input changes
Register a function to tell Angular when the value was touched
tell Angular how to Write a value to the input
Sample implementation:
Unit tests
For async functions
example async test:
Spy and stub
TestBed Mock whole module/environment for unit tests
Then use tested object (for example service) like this:
we can add schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA]. This means that we don’t have to mock children component dependencies of this component as Angular won’t yell at us anymore for our lack of doing so.
Http interceptor
Intercepts and handles an HttpRequest or HttpResponse.
Refer to host element/component
:host(selector) { ... }
to match attributes, classes on the host element and add styling to it
:host-context(selector) { ... }
to match elements, classes on parent components and add styling to it
:host ::ng-deep
styling will be applied also to all child components
Interview questions
When would you use the useFactory provider method?
With useFactory we can use a factory at runtime to decide which kind of service we want to return if it got requested by any other class in our application or you need to parameterize the construction of a service
Service1 will be injected into another class
What is router-outlet
Acts as a placeholder that Angular dynamically fills based on the current router state. Generally in place of your main app component will be generated
How to declare global value?
Use InjectionToken
Which decorator lets you inject a service registered with an Injection Token?
for example
How to mimick environment for components/services in tests?
Use TestBed. See Unit tests
What is Resolve interface?
Interface that classes can implement to be a data provider for component while routing.
We can use it to pre-load data for a component before the component is displayed
How to begin validation after the user will enter a value and pause?
Use debounceTime, for example
What is valueChanges in form control?
To catch value changes and implement some logic in observable result. See example above
How to execute canActivate if any of child routes will change?
Use canActivateChild
What are compilation types in Angular?
Ahead of time - compile full application / module when application was opened. Used mainly on production
Just in time - compile specific element when it has been opened. Used mainly while programming
Since Angular 8 - engine based on concept Incremental DOM
What is ng-content in Angular?
See ng-content
How to create application with cutom prefix?
What is module lazy loading?
Instead of loading all modules while app starts we can load particular module when needed.
This is usually used for big apps in order to improve performance
Why should we consider using ngIf instead of ngClass/ngStyle for hiding element?
ngIf won't generate element when condition result is fale, so html will be lighter. ngClass/ngStyle will just hide element but it will be still existing in DOM
What is Done() function in tests?
We need 'done' to avoid test finishing before date was received See done
What "import", "providers" and "declarations" stand for in NgModule?
See Sample module
Explain the difference between Constructor and ngOnInit
Constructor is a method assigned to a class, so it is called when class object was initialized. ngOnInit is part of Component life cycle and it is dependent on the current state of view initialization. Constructor is called before ngOnInit
What is a difference between ElementRef and TemplateRef?
ElementRef is reference to particular element while TemplateRef can refer to whole ng-template
Point all data biding ways for element
Bindint type
Property binding
Event binding
Two way data bidning
How to handle ngModel property in custom component?
Implement ControlValueAccessor interface. See ngModel
What is differenct between default and onPush change detector?
default change detector will check bidnings in whole application component tree after event OnPush change detector informs Angular that our component biding is depend on input parameters. Moreover it won't check bindings in whole application but only in subtree where our component belongs.
Why is it better to use pure pipes instead of some functions in template view?
If we want to calculate for example user age and show it on template then we can do it with function:
But it will be calculated every time when change detector is run, so it can affect on performance. Instead we can use pipe for that:
Now age calculation won't be performed so many times.
How to detect change for any @Input property?
Use ngOnChanges hook
How to detect change for specific @Input in component?
Use 'set' accessor
Last updated
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